Digital Threat Assessment®

This training teaches participants to establish a Digital Behavioural Baseline through a School Safety / Threat Assessment (SS/TA) lens. By engaging with popular social media applications, you will learn how to find and document worrisome digital media content originating from your school community. This training solidifies your understanding of how to effectively use DTA as a critical part of any modern-day Threat Assessment.

Digital Threat Assesment

Digital Threat Assessment® (DTA)

The course is intended for:

  • New and returning Safe School Coordinators;
  • Principals, Vice Principals, Educators, and other designated support staff;
  • Multi-disciplinary community stakeholders, including Law Enforcement, SLO’s etc.

Upcoming Remote Sessions:
October 2
November 5
December 3
January 28
March 5
April 15

*Please click on the specific date you would like to register for.
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This training teaches participants to establish a Digital Behavioural Baseline through a School Safety / Threat Assessment (SS/TA) lens. By engaging with popular social media applications, you will learn how to find and document worrisome digital media content originating from your school community. This training solidifies your understanding of how to effectively use DTA® as a critical part of any modern-day Threat Assessment.

With the ever-changing landscape of the on-line world and social media it is imperative for all school and district personnel to have an up to date and comprehensive understanding of all aspects of Digital Threat Assessment® in 2024. This includes the evolving platforms and brand new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, that our youth are engaging with every day.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To apply the principles of Behavioural Threat Assessment to DTA®
  • To identify the digital behavioural baseline of individuals on the pathway to violence
  • To assess the language of online threat-related behaviour
  • Searching within commonly used platforms such as, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat
  • To utilize boolean operators, people search engines, and access cached data
  • To validate the source of images and video
  • Best practice for online navigation; and ensuring privacy safeguards; and navigating new Artificial Intelligence Technologies
  • To use law enforcement guides to request user identifying information (preservation and production orders)
  • To crowdsource localized and time relevant social media posts from your school and area
  • The latest updates to stories, reels, hashtags, and IGTV
  • To identify concerning trends and create awareness to ensure safety and mental wellbeing
  • To gather public social media data with geolocation relevance—what are the most effective ways to identify potential witnesses in a public act of violence?
  • To use social media to find a missing person
  • To document your digital findings